Sunday, March 14, 2010

Web 2.0: Getting to know "Blogger" more intimately

I've been having fun adding bits and pieces to my page (and in the process am learning a lot).

If you'd like to add quick comments to your blog follow the instructions here (; you can change the words like I did to make them more relevant... we live in a busy word and I figure the easier it is to give feedback, the more likely I am to hopefully get some.

Also, you might like to play around with widgets/gadgets - I've added a 'clustrmap'... you can get your own free one here -  They keep a record of where people have been visiting your blog from which is quite exciting (it's the small things in life haha).  Simply apply for your own map and copy the coding in they supply (ctrl C or command C).  Then jump back into your blog, click Customize (top right), then select Add Gadget, choose 'HTML/JavaScript' and then paste that coding (ctrl V or command V) into the Content box.  Save and you're done!

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